
Neem Wood Ladle-Dosa


  • Neem has a strong traditional value in every household across India.
  • Neem tree is part of every house or community and every part of it is used for different medicinal and lifestyle purposes.
  • Our ancestors started using neem oil, the leaves as well as the flowers in the cooking/ external application and wood has immense usage too.
  • Neem wood was initially used to make combs which helped in hair growth and prevents scalp infections.
  • Neem wood based kitchen accessories were later used because of its immense medicinal and anti-bacteria properties.
  • Flipping dosa and roti made easy with natural Zishta neem wood ladle.
  • Neem wood has natural anti bacterial properties. Neem based kitchen accessories are safe and simple solution to a sustainable household.
  • Zishta neem wood ladles are strong, have longer life, scratch proof and heat resistance. They are environmentally safe.
  • There is no bitterness of neem because of the unique seasoning and treatment process followed by the artisans.
  • Handcrafted by rural artisans of West Bengal, it is a reminder of our rich and varied traditions.
  • Zishta neem wood accessories are tested in NABL accredited laboratory and comply with EU standards for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).


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