
Fisher Price Dumbbell Ball

Original price was: ₹219.00.Current price is: ₹209.00.

This Dumbbell is just the right size for your baby’s little hands. Our Easy to Grasp & Fun to Shake dumbbell is made of soft, rubber like material. It will get your little one playing and introduce her/him to different animals. It even has a soft soothing rattle to calm the baby, and enables the baby to exercise, flex, and coordinate muscles while playing.

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  • Non toxic, BPA free & safe for 0+ children.
  • Dumbbell contain a soft and soothing rattle.
  • Extremely soft, squeezy, rubbery and silicon dumbbell.

Age – 0 Months+
Length -19 cm
Box dimensions – 26 x 12 x 7.5 cm
