Why own a GRANA Grain Mill?
- Because commercial flour contains neither the healthy fiber of freshly milled grain nor the germ of the whole grain which is rich in vitamins.
- Because the essential nutrients of whole-wheat flour begin to decay immediately after milling, any delay from mill to oven represents a loss in food value.
- Because whole grain has a virtually unlimited shelf life so supplies are easily managed.
- With your own flour mill, you can produce the quantity of flour needed at the required grind setting.
- Because freshly ground flour tastes better due to its aromatic components.
- These aromatic components are lost over time with commercial flours.
- Freshly ground flour should be processed or eaten quickly, for only freshly ground flour provides the full flavor and vital nutrients that nature intended.
- Because your own GRANA flour mill makes you independent from the market pressures that dictate commercial miller’s pricing and availability
- Because grinding your own flour is cost-effective in the long run.
- Because your own flour mill is the foundation for a more food-conscious and healthier way of life.
- Because grinding your own flour is fun!
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