How to Interview an Investor

Entrepreneurs often focus on how they can prepare for an investor meeting. They put their business plan organized, make sure all financial documents are in place and practice the major elements of their pitch deck. But, the conversation with an investor needs to be a two-way conversation. The questions you new post to read ask an investor give you an insight into their approach and expectations for working with startups.

Standard Investor Questions

Investors want to know how well you are aware of the fundamentals of your business model and how you see your company’s market opportunity. Investors will also want to learn how you plan to grow, what measures are most important to you, and how you intend to maximize the value of your investment. Your answers to these simple questions will provide a foundation for a deeper discussion later in the interview.

Questions about Firms and Processes

Doing your research on investors and their investment processes before you meet them is crucial. You can modify your approach so that it meets their needs, and increase the chance that they will invest in your venture. Knowing what investors’ expectations are for returns and typical deal timeframes can help you align your goals with theirs. You can also gain a better understanding of the founders’ approach by understanding how they have handled turbulence within their portfolio companies.

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