What Are the Stages of Addiction Recovery? Recovery at the Crossroads

At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment. Through a combination of evidence-based medication-assisted treatment and psychotherapy, as well as counseling and holistic rehab, you’ll move from active addiction through detox and withdrawal.

how long is rehab for addiction

For those who abuse and are addicted to drugs, inpatient treatment is often needed to get well. When you’re first deciding on whether to go to alcohol/drug rehab, 30 days could seem like a doable option. Insurance coverage is also likely for 30-day alcohol or drug addiction treatment.

Thriving in Sobriety: 7 Tips to Cure Boredom in Recovery

“That 75% number [of people who achieve remission] includes obviously people at the more severe end of the spectrum,” said Dr. David Eddie, who co-authored the study on recovery success and also teaches at Harvard Medical School. It won’t just be a case of halting the destructive behavior; change will be apparent in multiple aspects of their lifestyle. Self-care and self-understanding are both present in this treatment stage, but counseling is required to keep them on the right path.

For example, methadone maintenance requires at least 12 months in a treatment program. Some individuals who struggle with opioid addictions benefit for years from methadone maintenance. Understanding the five stages of addiction recovery can be useful for addicted people and their family members. Each stage clearly describes the process of recognizing and admitting the problem, preparing for addiction treatment, and dealing with life after treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. It’s an integrated theory that’s compatible with most evidence-based and holistic treatments, like the 12-step program and behavior therapy. While there are outstanding benefits from long-term drug rehab, the decision is up to the person who is attending treatment.

Action Stage

Entering treatment, I wanted nothing more than to do the time and get out to the freedom of the outside world. Then I started to eat right, sleep well, and develop true friendships for the first time. For some that can be a quicker process while for others a little more time is needed. So again, one’s attitude entering treatment should be how long can I stay to learn the tools needed for lifelong recovery. Benzodiazepines withdrawal symptoms may begin in as little as six to eight hours after the last dose for short-acting benzos such as Xanax, Ativan, and Halcion.

GateHouse Treatment has offered many resources regarding Adderall in past blogs, so let’s tie everything together with a rundown of Adderall dangers, shortage, and abuse. Physiological symptoms may remain with the patient for months to several years. Between five and seven days is when Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Sober House symptoms tend to decrease in intensity. At the end of the first week is when things lighten up, though the person may still experience nausea, anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia for quite some time. With short-acting opiates, symptoms can begin as soon as 6 to 12 hours after last use.

Length of Inpatient Care

Research shows that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment. Lengthier treatment programs can seem intimidating at first, but they may end up becoming the best opportunity for long-term results. Whether you’re addicted to alcohol, prescription medication, or illicit drugs, here at Renaissance Recovery’s Orange County rehab we have personalized outpatient treatment programs to suit everyone. If you are severely addicted to alcohol or certain drugs, withdrawal can be dangerous, and possibly even fatal. Anyone at risk of experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms should detox and engage with recovery in an inpatient treatment center. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness.

What are the odds of staying sober?

About 18% of recovering alcoholics were able to abstain from drinking completely one year later. Recovery rates are less than 36% for people with a severe or lifetime alcohol dependence. Around 60% of individuals who are sober for two years after AUD remain that way.

Current levels of affiliation were high as evidence by frequency of meeting attendance and sponsoring activities. Recognizing that treatment is more of a marathon than a sprint will help place things in perspective. The more patient and accepting of the treatment process you are, the more effective it will be. Lisa Onken, chief of NIDA’s behavioral and integrative treatment branch, told the Los Angeles Times that longer treatment helps clients become continuously abstinent. Research indicates that active participation in self-help meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, during and after rehab encourages longer recovery periods.

The simple answer is that every addiction, though caused by substance abuse, is unique and is affected by many factors. For example, some people may ask how long rehab lasts due to the difference in the recovery rate of patients. Rehab centers also offer group counseling as one way to promote socialization and open discussion among other patients.

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