How Long Does Rehab Last for Alcohol and Drug Addiction?

Users can also experience psychosis, where they experience hallucinations and delusions. The withdrawal symptoms from Opioids like Oxycodone and Codeine include body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, high blood pressure, and shaking. Someone detoxing from alcohol may experience tremors, seizures, and delirium tremens, resulting in reduced blood flow to the brain. If you have been fighting a difficult battle with addiction, research has shown that 90 days is the optimal time to put aside for treatment.

how long is rehab for drug addiction

Through group and individual counseling sessions, spiritual direction, holistic work therapy, and life-skills development, program participants learn to overcome problems, including abandoning substance reliance. Entering treatment, I wanted nothing more than to do the time and get out to the freedom of the outside world. Then I started to eat right, sleep well, and develop true friendships for the first time.

Substance Use and Treatment History

Rarely does anything in life come in perfect packages, and treatment timelines are no different. Though the above program timelines are recommended, barriers such as finances, family needs, and employment often find their way to disrupt well-thought-out plans. This process allows for a 90-day treatment program but extends flexibility toward the end to provide relief for some of these barriers.

When someone attends outpatient rehab, they can go straight to the liquor store or contact their dealer when they feel like giving up. Returning home each evening places them back in the environment where they abused a substance, which makes it much more challenging to resist the temptation of relapse. Situated in a peaceful setting in Alexandria, Louisiana, Longleaf Hospital is a premier provider of mental health treatment for children, adolescents, adults, sober house and senior adults. Additionally, Longleaf Hospital offers state-of-the-art programming for adults, aged 18 and older, who are suffering from substance abuse concerns. During the maintenance stage, the individual is working hard to prevent addiction recovery relapse. They’re also keeping up the lifestyle changes they made, like getting regular exercise, recreational activities, staying sober, paying attention to sleep hygiene and attending support groups.

How Long is a Drug Detox?

For example, some people may ask how long rehab lasts due to the difference in the recovery rate of patients. At Cirque Lodge, we specialize in treating any and all kinds of addiction. Our treatment programs are among the most holistic, comprehensive, and advanced in the country. Whatever stage you’re at on your recovery journey, our professional staff have the experience and expertise to empower and support you on the path to freedom from addiction. From a practical standpoint, one advantage of thirty-day programs is that insurance coverage is generally easy to secure for this duration.

  • They often begin with a week long medical detox, to set the treatment process in motion.
  • Two-thirds had used both treatment and self-help groups to recover, particularly those with more severe (longer) substance use histories.
  • As a final point, it’s very important that you tend to your own needs and health during this process.
  • Substance use disorder can significantly impact your health, relationships and overall quality of life.
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