Gartner API-First Integration report

Search feature APIs enable businesses to integrate their search engine with other systems, allowing customers to quickly and easily find the products they want to order. They also enable businesses to track customer searches and monitor customer behavior, providing valuable insights into their customers’ needs. In eCommerce, API integration bridges the gap between an online store and its other business processes . This enables the store to share information with these other systems, to manage customer orders and inventory levels more effectively. Our technology and transformation experts work together to help you envision your future state, devise realistic transition plans, foster an API-first mindset and then bring it life. We employ modern technologies and standards to create APIs and integrations that prioritize performance, scalability and reusability.

How to Implement an API Integration Strategy

It’s vital to thoroughly test APIs to ensure that every version will perform properly. API testing should be performed frequently, or even continuously, and in short cycles. API testing should take place after any significant code change, and run after any database changes to verify the database functions with the application as expected. Once a version of the API is approved for deployment, the development team must understand how the API will be deployed in the data center or released for outside use from business partners and other users. APIs create value in almost any industry where enterprises, partners and providers all exchange data.

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As mentioned previously, the principles of API design-first can be equally applied to API-first, and as such can be considered a subset of it. It’s a design-led approach which produces a number of useful artefacts that are beneficial to both the provider and consumer. Items such as API documentation and style guides, which can be considered out-of-scope in API code-first implementations, but are vital in enabling wider API consumption and interoperability.

How to Implement an API Integration Strategy

Because it relied on legacy systems, the organization struggled to improve customer service, provide a unique experience, and know the customers. That’s why an API integration strategy is critical for large enterprise companies. Integration is “the action or process of combining two or more things.” So in thebusiness world, when we talk about integrations, we’re connecting software applications to share data and processes. When you attempt to modernize your legacy systems, you need to integrate new systems with existing databases. But organizations should consider moving away from point-to-point integrations and embracing API-based integration strategy for digital transformation. API-led connectivity is also advised for other digital technologies/data sources like SaaS, Big data, IoT, and mobile workloads.

Leverage Order Fulfillment API Integrations With ShipNetwork

Enterprises are able to collect more data about their customers, partners, and internal systems than ever before. Oftentimes, however, that data gets locked away in silos where it’s virtually inaccessible to different stakeholders within the business. Sensedia works with each customer to streamline their API needs and determine the security requirements for customers’ landscapes. Sensedia’s platform provides visibility and traceability out-of-the-box to ensure the security is there and the development team is providing the right tool at the right time.

How to Implement an API Integration Strategy

You might partner with 3rd-party organizations to help sell your product or support clients. With employees able to spend more of their time on tactical, thoughtful tasks, versus manual, repetitive ones, they’re more likely to enjoy their work and be more productive. This also benefits customers as, according to the Harvard Business Review, happier employees are more likely to deliver experiences that leave customers happier as well. An application programming interface is either a collection of API endpoints or a single API endpoint for a specific application—where each endpoint lets you access data or functionality from that application. A recent SlashData survey states that 69% of developers use third-party APIs and 20% use internal APIs.7 This means API security takes center stage.

Technology selection

In an API-first approach, we start with the API design and then move into the implementation of APIs as well as the integration logic. Since we begin with API design, we call this the API design-first or, for brevity, API-first approach. Throughout this article, we will use these two terms interchangeably to denote the same approach. Let’s look at how we can achieve the above benefits in our integration projects. All the above benefits depend on how we design and implement our APIs and the rest of the integration use cases.

  • The idea behind the involvement of the frontend team in the design is to get a better user experience for the API developer.
  • This allows APIs to grow, evolve and be refactored with less of the complexity inherent in larger, monolithic systems.
  • API testing should be performed frequently, or even continuously, and in short cycles.
  • This process helps with automation and integration with other services to a certain extent but doesn’t allow access to all of the underlying functionality.
  • It essentially cuts out the middleman to get to endpoints faster—without compromising security.

Businesses exploring cloud adoption quickly realize that cloud development APIs are essential to the creation and delivery of services through the web. APIs handle every login, provisioned resource and data exchange between a public cloud and cloud user. Businesses can select a provider-specific API such as the Microsoft Azure REST API, or cross-platform APIs such as Apache’s jclouds and Libcloud. An API’s interoperability and ability to add value translates into a superior user experience, customer satisfaction and support. This combination makes drivers safer, more efficient and more productive. As another example, healthcare provider software employs APIs that federate patient data from multiple providers, which presents physicians with fuller patient histories.

An API design-first approach

APIs expose data and support interactions with the enterprise and requesters. Private APIs created and deployed within the enterprise allow interaction between two or more in-house software platforms. Public APIs, created and deployed to support outside or third-party interactions, allow other software such as user endpoints to utilize enterprise data and services.

How to Implement an API Integration Strategy

These developers might test the API by creating business intelligence dashboards that reveal buying trends month over month. A vast majority of API consumers are developers, so database development company developer experience can aid or hinder the success of your APIs. Being API-first results in consistent APIs, which means it’s easier to troubleshoot and onboard new developers.

What Is API Integration & How ShipNetwork Can Help

The more your platform can manage, the more you’ll be able to do with it. Data breaches can not only damage your business’ operation but destroy your customers’ trust in you and have serious legal ramifications. So, to break it down, if you want an all-in-one API integration solution, which performs well and has a range to offer, Google Apigee is a good choice. Pricing is also competitive and customized to the needs of each business. Unlike some of the fully automated platforms on this list, our open framework offers full, low, and no-code options for a variety of coding languages, so it can accommodate the client’s preferences. Things will go wrong from time to time, even with the best platform, knowledge, and team available.

Just as there will be naysayers, there will also be individuals and teams that will be very passionate about the new strategy and vocal about its benefits. By tapping these evangelists to help spread the word, skeptics are more likely to see the positives of the new strategy as opposed to just dwelling on the perceived downsides. Toward the beginning of the effort, take the time to explain why an API integration strategy will be beneficial and how all departments—including IT—will be better off with one in place. Getting buy-in from everyone can sometimes extend timelines considerably, but it helps ensure that it rolls out more smoothly and with fewer glitches. Beyond just determining what needs to be linked and in what manner, those in charge of the strategy will want to create API value chains, as well. Essentially, this refers to API connectivity and usage from database to end user.

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