


Manufactured by:  BEFACH 4X Pvt Ltd.

  • Name of Product : D’CAL HARD  WATER CONDITIONERDescription : D’CAL is a wonderful product to condition the hard water in your overhead tank without using any expensive equipments and without even calling your plumber. All you need to do is to put the D’CAL candle in the overhead tank and presto, you get conditioned water without the hard water  calcium and magnesium scales. A tank of 1500-2000 litres would be requiring one D’CAL candle and would suffice for 10-12 months.D’CAL is an innovative tool to fight hard water problems. Life is made easier for those people who are suffering from hard water in their daily life. Hard water is usually defined with the white layers identified on mirrors, bathroom tiles, buckets, taps, and washbasins. Hard water is high in minerals, mostly magnesium and calcium and this can affect us in several ways and can be troublesome to those who deal with the white stains, hair fall and skin problems regularly.

    D’CAL introduced a unique way to solve this problem by removing the stickiness of calcium ions instead of following the traditional method of removing the presence of the minerals. This way the calcium will not stick to the walls, taps, buckets, and pipes. The product isn’t huge, in fact, it is of a regular-sized water bottle size. It needs to be just dropped in the over tank head of your house without any plumber and extra pipes. It requires no maintenance, no electricity, and no water wastage. This product eliminates the risk of calcium and magnesium to damage your pipelines, bathrooms, hair, skin, and health. A free Demo Kit is also offered along with the product to check the efficacy of the product before usage.


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